
Breakfasts To Boost Brainpower – 1 Week Menu

My plan for this week’s breakfast incorporates foods shown to keep brain cells healthy and stave cognitive decline, including berries, nuts, olive oil, wholegrain, fish, and more—all power nutrients great for your whole body too. Your memory, attention span, and ability to learn will benefit from the healthful foods you’ll be choosing!!

Stretching brain power

Spelt Hot Cross Buns

With Easter approaching I have been eying off the hot cross buns lined up in bakery windows and supermarkets everywhere. I must admit, I do love a warm hot cross bun, but I don’t like what I read on the ingredients list of some packets. Here’s the perfect allergy free, wheat free, dairy free and butter free hot cross buns recipe.

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This is the time of year I start making more soups and there’s nothing better for you nor easier to prepare and cook than my Broccoli, Asparagus and Zucchini soup.

Chicken and Prawn Stir-Fried Quinoa

Instead of your usual “fried rice” recipe, here’s one I make using quinoa. A lighter, fluffier more nutritious grain that works fantastically as a substitute for rice. I have added some chicken breast, fresh prawns and seasonal veggies to this as well as some chilli and pan-fried egg. This is packed with protein and a great healthy […]


Love Your Water

Just as I always encourage putting love and good energy into your food as you prepare it, your water too will respond to a little loving.

Quick fitness

Elixir of Life’ Salad

Some foods activate our metabolism, some foods slow us down, some nourish our kidneys, others our heart or liver. So when I come up with a new recipe I usually try and add as many ingredients that are closest to their natural form and that are rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants and ultimately have a positive impact on our bodies.


Community Gardening

Community gardens are a creative outlet for people from all walks, especially city dwellers, and a growing movement in many parts of Australia.


The surprising truth about vinegar

Not just an old wives’ tale, vinegar has medicinal qualities that will have swollen joints and disgruntled digestive systems feeling better in no time.

Herbal Tea

Make your own herbal tea

If you grow your own herbal teas, you’ll suddenly discover another world, one in which chamomile tastes of flowers and sunlight and lemon verbena is sweeter and more subtle than lemongrass. Here’s how!


Make your own seafood laksa

If you’re a fan of seafood, this recipe for a delicious seafood laksa will surely get your mouth watering!


Vegetarian Pasty

This veggie cornish pasty is a tasty treat that adds an element of nutrition to comfort food!


Warm salad of roasted pumpkin

The warm salad of roasted pumpkin, snowpeas and peccorino cheese is the perfect winter healthy meal idea.