As a personal trainer, i can’t count the number of times a client has asked me “How do i lose weight from my stomach/thighs/arms/butt?”.Unfortunately, there is no such thing as ‘spot reduction’ – you can’t choose the area of the body from which you will lose fat.
weight loss
Did you know that a study called ‘The A to Z weight loss study’ was done comparing the low carbohydrate Atkins diet, the low-carb Zone diet, the low-fat, high-carb LEARN diet and the very high-carb Ornish diet.
Food cravings are very common but finding out what drives your cravings can help you control them.
Insulin may be the culprit of weight gain and the inability to lose fat. Discover why and how to lower insulin levels.
Say goodbye to temporary weight loss methods and boost your metabolism with stimulating foods, exercise and some well-though-out lifestyle changes.
I hope you all had a safe and lovely Easter and indulged in just a little bit of chocolate!
I went for a morning run on Good Friday and it was lovely to see so many people out and about, starting their long weekend with physical activity. So whether you remained active over the weekend or vegged out on the couch, today’s workout will help work off those Easter treats!
The human body is a machine that is constantly burning calories from the foods we eat to provide us with energy for movement and to keep it’s systems running smoothly. When burning more calories than are being taken in, the body turns to fat stores as a source of fuel, resulting in weight-loss. Aside from slogging it out at the gym, what can we do to increase the number of calories we burn?
I strongly believe that you shouldn’t completely eliminate foods to achieve a healthy diet. Focus on what foods you can include to your diet and try substituting the foods you love, rather than cutting out complete food groups.
When you are plummeting towards weight-loss or any other kind of failure, it is nice to know there is a trampoline at the bottom…. The trampoline at the bottom of the pit of failure propels you upward with wind in your hair and a smile on your face. Today, at home sick, the Dark Mistress […]
It might seem reductive but the Dark Mistress is a measurement kind of gal. There is satisfaction in the plotting of progress… The physical stuff like weight-loss is SO EASY to measure. To lose 10Kg and 6cms off the waistline you have to DO STUFF… ok I get that. But sustainability is another matter… Here’s […]
There is nothing like the world wide web to reduce complex-whole-of-life-change down to simplistic keyword-rich mantras. This is why the Dark Mistress has settled on weight-loss as the start-up objective in her move back to embodied life – the ads on FaceBook told her to. Give FaceBook enough demographic data to work out you’re a) […]
Last month an International Conference of Psychologists is considering the declaration of Internet Addiction as a mental illness. In my view this is a long shot – I mean second-life maybe. The internet though IS the cause of many sedentary hours – there is nothing like the www to give you the sense of doing […]
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