weight loss

The “No excuses

If something is important to you, you’ll find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find an excuse!

There is always opportunity for exercise. As a personal trainer, i have the privilege of working with a variety of individuals and am aware of the many obstacles relating to regular exercise. I’ve heard every reason or excuse in the book, from “i just don’t have time” to “i don’t like to sweat, because then i have to wash my hair again” (yep, true story). If your goals and your health are important to you, you will find a way. Let’s face it, we’re all busy- you will never “find” time, you have to MAKE time.

Swimming for slimming

Swimming is a great way to increase your cardiovascular fitness, burn calories and improve your upper body strength. As it is low impact, swimming is a fantastic option for those who are injured and provides a great cardio workout for those who have a large amount of weight to lose, and want to avoid the strain on joints, ligaments and tendons experienced during higher impact exercise; such as running.

Weight-loss and the love of alcohol…

The Dark Mistress has been alcohol-free for about 6 weeks. I am noticing it less than I thought I would – given that my entire social life occurs in pubs and restaurants. The thing is… I will return to alcohol, because I actually respect the drug and it’s sacred mission. That mission, of course, would […]

Raw or cooked for energy and weight-loss?

The recent screening by SBS of “Did Cooking Make Us Human?” during my week of post-fast raw food has given cause for consideration of cooking, and meat. Coming off a fast, raw food is recommended. Eat raw, very little, one new fruit or vegetable at a time, no protein until the 7th day. It has […]

Is weight-loss just about denial?

True to her name the dark mistress of denial has started fasting this week. Yes – taking a genuine break from food. No food for a full 7 days. The program is supervised of course, and with a few herbs to help along the way… but what a great teacher is fasting. For a start […]

All i want for Christmas is..rock hard abs!

With Christmas time upon us, it’s very likely that many of your evenings and weekends are filled with festivities that involve eating, drinking and generally being merry. These social events can play havoc with your nutrition and exercise routine. The holiday season is a time to enjoy with family and friends, but you needn’t over-indulge.

Weight-loss & Wikkileaks

In an attempt to find sunshine, holistic fitness, natural weight-loss and stress relief the Dark Mistress found herself waking up in Thailand today. Leaving the iPhone was hard, leaving the laptop impossible, the only hope for this hopelessly addicted screenager, is that the Bamboo Huts of Ko Samui don’t have broadband… Why Thailand…? An irony […]