A Vietnamese delight, pho is a popular dish that’s versatile and delicious. Pho chay is the vegetarian version and, despite the long list of ingredients, it’s quite simple to make.
This Healthy Vegan and Gluten-Free Beetroot, Potato and Lentil Soup Recipe is very similar to a borscht soup, but with lentils for extra protein and fibre.
This Salad of Zucchini, Peas and Lentils with Dijon Vinaigrette uses the beautiful ingredient red cabbage, a staple in the Russian diet.
This traditional beetroot soup incorporates a variety of other vegetables for extra nutrition. It can be eaten cold in the summertime or hot in the winter.
In this Pan-Fried Pineapple recipe, you’ll enjoy a simply luscious blend of caramelised sweetness and coconut yoghurt.
This delicious recipe contains a zesty and refreshing source of digestive enzymes to boost your gut health.
There’s nothing more nutrient-dense and low-budget than a minestrone soup, especially in the wintertime when it’s also warming and comforting. Try it out!
Tofu is a highly nutritious food that gives this dish a good boost in protein, calcium and B vitamins. Try it out in these delicious vegan patties.
Gado gado means medley, which refers to all the different seasonal vegies and ingredients that are used throughout Indonesia. You will love this vegan and gluten-free recipe
This dish is both nurturing and nourishing. It’s full of flavour and the tomato sauce really complements the dumplings’ texture.
This delicious vegie mash is suitable for vegetarians but you can also replace the vegetable broth with beef or chicken broth.
This liver-loving, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich Cauliflower “Cheese” Soup is enriched with nutritional yeast, lending an extra dose of B vitamins.
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