
tidal wave dream: meaning behind a tsunami dream

The meaning of tidal wave dreams

Last entry I explained how water in dreams can often represent the state of your emotional or spiritual self. How then does this apply to a tidal wave dream, tsunami dream or dreams of huge waves? Tidal waves dreams often feel very stressful, creating a sense of anxiety and even mounting panic. You may be […]

The meaning of driving a car in a dream

The meaning of driving a car in a dream

When you dream about someone driving a car, you are in really rich territory to start understanding some of the fundamentals at work in your life.  Driving a car in dreams can reveal thoughts and feelings about who or what is controlling your life, how in or out of control you feel, and how clear […]


Understand the language of your dreams

Do you often feel confused by the surreal images and bizarre story lines your dreams contain, and yet still have a sense that behind the strangeness, there is genuine meaning there? It is as if our dreams speak to us in another language. If only we could learn that language, we might be able to […]


How to balance out your body

Unless you are ambidextrous and feel comfortable performing most tasks with either hand, your body is in a constant state of imbalance, favouring either the left or the right. Setting out to redress this tension can lead to an opening of the mind and an appreciation for being in the moment.

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The true meaning of Zen

How did one of the world’s oldest religions become whittled down to an aesthetic that has infiltrated our lives? It appears to be the minimalism and simplicity at the centre of Zen, which has come to act as an antidote to our consumer-driven lives.


What do colours mean? Part II

Colours symbolise our emotions, state of mind and personality. The psychology of colours is complex and in this second part of our three part series, we look at the true meaning of yellow, brown, grey and red.


What do colours mean? Part I

Every colour represents a set of emotions, a state of being – say, white which advocates freedom, purity and enlightenment. Preferences for colours reflect elements of our personality. Indeed, the psychology of colours is far more complex than what meets the eye.