Shingles can lie dormant in your body. If it awakens later in your life, it can be more severe. Symptoms are headaches, fatigue, itching, shooting or stabbing pains, tenderness or a burning sensation or aching in the body. There are treatments and you can prevent it. Here’s how.
Stressfree Management with Jenetta Haim
Soon Valentines Day will be upon us. What can you do to come closer to your loved one and to enhance that loving relationship? Love is a total immersion in the present moment – emotionally and spiritually grounded in equality.
Toddlers explore the world around them differently to you and sometimes it becomes difficult as a parent to know what they need. Here are some tips to get you started to help them develop and grow in a healthy way.
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness for both men and women over the age of 55. It’s important to investigate with your specialist, naturopath or nutritionist which foods, antioxidants, supplements and minerals you lack to rectify the damage.
We need to find out what it is that will make that person happy and approach them with that. The reason one’s culture has a big impact on happiness is due to cultural beliefs, attitudes and practices.
It is important to take control of your mind. Overthinking makes you feel out of control but with the help of a good toolkit this habit can change. Here are some ways to get started.
Fungus can grow on us and in us in tight-knit colonies and many of these can affect your health. There are any number of horrible symptoms you can experience.
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