Do you have a burning question you’d like advice on? The detailed insights provided by horary astrology can help.
The Moon rules your daily habits, so how can you support your Moon in order for her to nurture you? Read more.
Success means different things to different people. What does it mean to you to be successful? Does it involve being rich? Do you yearn for Oprah fame? Or would you rather know that you have raised beautiful, healthy children?
Saturn has moved into Capricorn, where he’ll stay for the next three years and exert a steady, stabilising influence on your life and society as a whole.
Ascension is a process where you undergo positive changes to assist the journey of all levels of your being.
Did you know that your chakras, those spinning wheels of energy that influence your wellbeing, are also connected to corresponding signs and planets?
The cycles of Venus and Mars with Sun and Moon on our timelines offer you repeat opportunities to perceive life’s intelligent pattern.
We explore the astrology charts and lives of famous healers Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay
Are you in the midst of a mid- or quarter-life crisis and do you wonder why? The planet cycles correspond to the stages of life and therefore influence your life journey.
Researchers examines how frequently and in what order different aspects of near-death-experience occur.
New study suggests that people who attend worship services have less stress and live longer.
New research examines the link between religious participation and suicide prevention outside Western Industrialized settings.
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