Shirodhara, a steady stream of liquid poured across the forehead, is a subtle Ayurvedic therapy that relaxes the body and cleanses the mind.
Full weekend pass to the 2018 Festival. Friday 12pm to Sunday 10pm, 20-22 April, 2018. Full of activities for all ages including yoga, inspiration music, ecstatic dance, massage, nurturing and more. Love yourself at the Byron Spirit Festival…
Wouldn’t it be nice to know what’s going on inside your pet’s head? Perhaps that desire is not as far-fetched as it seem.
“Ego” isn’t considered a positive thing yet it serves an important role and, when you befriend it, you may just glimpse the true, universal essence that lies beneath.
Did you know that the energies, or aspects, that exist between the planets shape your unique nature? Learn how to interpret your personality using these dynamics
Your Venus sign influences the qualities you find attractive, what you want from a relationship, as well as how you give and receive affection.
Nurture yourself through winter’s colder, darker days with warming, nourishing, invigorating practices for body, mind and spirit.
A Blue Mountains retreat offers the opportunity to embrace a deep reverence for nature and to nourish your inner space.
Uranus is the planet of chaos, the unexpected and doing things differently and, as it revolves through the heavens, it can help you make inspired life changes that create freedom.
Discover how to develop a practice that soothes your whole self through harnessing the power of an intention.
Where you feel your sense of self reflects how you interact with the world.
WellBeing attends a three-day Set Your Compass retreat to discover ways to connect with the inner self to find balance and, ultimately, inner bliss.
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