Venus doesn’t just reveal how you express yourself in personal relationships; her “house” of residence can also describe your approach to money and possessions, as well as how you express your artistic and sensual nature.
Were you ever reminded growing up that patience was a virtue? Well, like much parental advice revisited as an adult, it turns out to be true.
When are your best times to attract or enhance love? We find out.
Connecting to your forebears can help heal any invisible fault lines that run through your life and tap into a deep intergenerational wisdom.
Brahmacharya is a core yogic teaching that can be interpreted as “celibacy” — but relax, you don’t need to give up sex to be spiritual.
What does your conscience tell you about others, yourself and your communication? Is it time to reflect on your values?
Some natural parenting choices you can make to support and encourage your baby’s developing brain in this incredibly important stage.
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