Why not whip up some nourishing and equally delicious raspberry spelt cupcakes for your next kid’s birthday, instead of the unhealthy alternative?
This sweet and rich bowl of goodness is filled with berries, bananas and all-round goodness and can be enjoyed as a healthy dessert.
When it comes to fruit for dessert, why not switch it up? These amazing-tasting muffins have all of the goodness of banana and raspberry and an injection of chia seeds which are a wonderful good mood food.
Rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc which contributes to normal reproduction and fertility such as preparing your uterus for birth and post birth recovery.
This great recipe for Buttermilk Pancakes with Raspberry Cardamom Coulis and Caramelised Yoghurt will make you want to get out of bed!
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