Rachael Coopes

The Fear of Death

Yoga to Conquer The Fear of Death

In a world of constant change, there’s one immutable truth we all share: our inevitable encounter with death. Despite its universal presence, fear of mortality abounds, subtly shaping our lives and decisions. Through the lens of yoga and mindfulness, we discover pathways to confront this fear, unlocking a profound sense of peace and purpose in our existence.


Opening The Chest And Shoulders

In a screen-focused world, hunched shoulders are causing physical ailments and limiting mental capacity. This yoga sequence recalibrates the chest and shoulders for better physical posture and clear pathways for energy to flow freely.

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Yoga for a flexible mind

Flexibility is a central component of life when it comes to your physical and mental health. Discover how neuroscience and psychology highlight the importance of “cognitive flexibility” and the Vedic approach to maintaining holistic flexibility


Yoga for forgiveness

The poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou once said, “It’s one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself, to forgive. Forgive everybody.” Here, we look at the science of forgiveness and how yoga can help you to move stuck energies and emotions.

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Yoga for self-study

Discover how self-study or “svadhyaya” has the power to transform your life on and off the mat. Plus, move through an introspective yoga sequence full of potent hip-openers and forward folds.