

Why you shouldn’t shop until you drop!

Shopping has evolved from being a necessary chore to one of the primary leisure activities in Western countries like Australia and New Zealand. There is a common perception that consumerism is innate and that the love of shopping is hard-wired into people: unfortunately, history suggests otherwise.

Yoga & Intellect…

“The voice of the intellect is soft one, but it does not rest until it has gained a hearing. Ultimately, after endless rebuffs, it succeeds. This is one of the few points in which one may be optimistic about the future of mankind”.

woman smelling the air and her eyes are closed

Are you a sensitive person?

Are you able to pick up on subtle emotional vibes and are particularly attuned to the moods of others? If so, living in an insensitive world may make life a little exhausting for you, but there are ways to protect yourself and nurture your gifts.


How to find your perfect partner

Opinions on why the dating game is so difficult are rife, but one thing everybody agrees on is that men and women want the same thing — an authentic partner. Find out how to get beyond the superficial and attract someone who is real and right for you.