The philosophy behind hypnobirthing helps parents-to-be with the uncertainty and anxiety surrounding the birth of their child. Gain an understanding of how birthing muscles work in harmony when your body is relaxed.
Alternative practitioners view a breech presentation differently from obstetricians. Their first instinct is to try different non-invasive ways to get the baby to turn.
A tour through the stages of pregnancy. Following your baby’s development as it grows in your womb can be an exhilarating experience.
Active birth principles will allow you to assume control of the birthing process. You can move and change positions freely.
Come on this journey through one of the most magical experiences of life. A personal account of one baby’s arrival into the world.
Women who keep their body image positive before and after birth will have a more fulfilling experience of pregnancy. Love the skin you’re in!
Regular, gentle exercise is one of the simplest things you can do to take care of yourself and your baby during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is a joyous occasion but it can also cause significant physical, mental and emotional upheaval. Aromatherapy can help you to achieve emotional balance.
Prepare a tool kit for the birth of your baby. You will feel more prepared and comfortable.
Aromatherapy and acupuncture are two alternative therapies that couples who are struggling to get pregnant should explore.
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