
Oven-Baked Pumpkin and Corn Brown Rice Risotto

Oven-Baked Pumpkin and Corn Brown Rice Risotto Recipe

This hearty risotto is a great source of dietary fibre. Brown rice contains around seven times more fibre than white rice per serving and has a lower GI (glycaemic index), which means it takes longer to digest and won’t cause sharp spikes in blood sugar levels. Fibre is important, not only for keeping blood sugar levels stable but also for cardiovascular health, as it helps to lower cholesterol levels.

Try our delicious Caramel Chocolate Hazelnut Clusters Recipe

Caramel Chocolate Hazelnut Clusters Recipe

Tahini, made from sesame seeds, is particularly rich in healthy polyunsaturated fats and the antioxidant vitamin E, both of which have a protective effect against heart disease and stroke. Dark chocolate is a great source of polyphenols that also promote heart health by helping dilate blood vessels and in turn reducing blood pressure.