Increased yoghurt consumption is associated with higher hip bone density and a reduced risk of osteoporosis in older adults.
Lee Holmes shares the low-down on turmeric and how to add this powerful anti-inflammatory spice to every meal. Watch and learn.
Cinnamon may reduce the risk of cardiovascular damage associated with a high fat diet.
Consuming beetroot juice before exercise makes the brain of older adults perform as efficiently as those of their younger counterparts.
Nutrition looks at how what we eat affects our health and happiness, as the old saying goes ‘You are what you eat’! Our student Nutritionists understand the properties of different foods not only in terms of the energy they provide , but also with regard to their therapeutic properties and effects, so that they can […]
It seems that salty food makes you hungrier not thirsty as we all thought before.
Watch as Carla Oates, natural beauty expert, author and founder of The Beauty Chef shares what you should be eating for healthy skin, hair and nails as well as ways to increase your healthy gut flora.
A new review suggests that avocados have a beneficial effect on different components of metabolic syndrome.
New study reveals a dietary compound in broccoli can prevent and suppress prostate cancer.
Has your little one declared war on certain foods? Here are some ways to get your fussy eaters interested in their chow.
Study shows blueberry juice improves brain function in older adults.
This quick and tasty meal packs a nutritious punch. Sweet potatoes are full of beta-carotene goodness, which supports the health of your eyes, mucous membranes and skin.
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