Blood sugar level’s respond differently in different people depending on the microbes living in their gut.
Extra virgin olive oil can reduce the incidence of dementia, new research says.
Immunity is your body’s natural defence against disease-causing bacteria and viruses. We share three delicious immune-boosting recipes.
Natural compounds found in food like turmeric, apple peels and red grapes can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer.
Silica/silicon is the second most prevalent element in our world after oxygen. We take an in-depth look at this trace mineral.
Healthy nails are beautiful nails, but you have to use the right things on your nails and even in your diet to keep them healthy and attractive.
Consuming coffee or tea can protect against liver fibrosis, according to study.
We share the many natural approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome that are highly effective.
A beverage favoured across the globe for its flavour, tea has a wealth of healthy properties.
Low to moderate intake of red wine can protect against and delay the onset of neurodegenerative diseases.
In this in-depth article, we look at eating disorders in older women and the support that is available.
Is weight-loss high on your to-do list? Don’t waste time on beating yourself up or punishing your beautiful body — love it into shape instead.
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