Combining laughter with exercise could be good for your health as you age.
Researchers identify people as either optimistic, pessimistic, envious or trusting and one type is more common…
As a species we place great emphasis on our ability to communicate. As soon as you read that sentence your thoughts will have immediately turned to our linguistic skills; our capacity to talk, read, and write. As important as this is to who we are as a species a significant amount of our communication actually […]
Life is complex and to get through it without having to think about everything you do along the way, you make up rules. These rules to live by usually make sense, like “look before you cross the road” but sometimes we hold onto rules without any evidence that they are actually valid. That is why […]
Think tall people have it better? It seems they certainly have a better sense of where things are in space.
If migraines give you grief, research shows that meditation may help you find relief.
Thinking of sending your child to school at age four? They may not be physically ready for it.
Do you only drink coffee occasionally? When you do, it’ll probably raise your blood pressure.
It makes sense that having a holiday from work and your daily grind can reduce your stress levels. When it comes to a vacation though, do you add some meditation in to your vacation? This is worth pondering because both vacations without meditation and meditation vacations can alter your stress levels at a genetic level […]
Scared of spiders? Thinking about those creepy crawlies actually helps you overcome your fear.
You make hundreds of decisions very day. Let’s be honest, not all of those decisions are optimal but they are you and as such they reveal something about you. It would be possible to infer aspects of your personality from any choice you make but if you want to go down that road why not […]
“Self-fulfilling prophecy” and the “placebo effect” are aspects of the same continuum. Both of these phenomena tap into the notion that if you believe something will happen then you increase the likelihood of it actually happening. It might sound a bit metaphysical but it is actually just the reality of the power of your mind […]
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