Researchers show for the first time, using virtual reality, how the brain can map a landscape based on smell.
Schoolchildren exposed to green areas have larger volumes of white and grey brain matter associated with better cognitive function.
A new alternative to managing chronic pain is a mixture of working out on gym machines and musical jamming.
Some mindfulness strategies may help reduce cravings by occupying our short term memory.
Higher yogurt intake is associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk in hypertensive men and women.
Researchers uncover that the brain finds it more rewarding to punish the wrongdoer than support the victim.
Did you know that your chakras, those spinning wheels of energy that influence your wellbeing, are also connected to corresponding signs and planets?
Some simple mindfulness techniques by internationally recognised life strategist Simonne Lee to help you stop, pause and connect in your daily life.
Women who use cleaning products experience a greater decline in lung function than women who do not clean at all.
A plant-based diet, particularly organic food consumption is better for the environment than an animal based one.
Mindfulness practice shows a great improvement in solving software engineering problems efficiently.
The same eye movement and neural activity take place when we recall an image as when we first saw that image.
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