Eating mindfully and with awareness lowers your blood sugar.
Finding an exercise partner who you think is better than you can provide motivation.
A simple compliment can help people perform better.
Harvard analysis suggests how the Earth corrects itself after a “pole shiftâ€.
High fructose corn syrup is a widely used sweetener that is linked to causing diabetes.
Researchers have identified the genetic fluke that caused the advent of intelligence.
Reflecting on fond memories can make you feel physically warmer.
Mistletoe has been found to kill off colon cancer cells but spare healthy cells.
The European Union has banned the use of the term “probiotic†on products containing beneficial bacteria.
A substance derived from Spruce bark is a powerful prebiotic.
The nature of your goals determines how happy achieving those goals will make you.
A mind that can calmly focus on the present leads to a better ageing body.
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