Adults who sleep just six hours have a greater chance of being dehydrated than those who sleep eight hours regularly.
Chocolate Labrador retrievers have significantly lower life expectancy than yellow and black Labradors.
Vegetable nitrates can reduce the risk of developing early-stage age-related macular degeneration.
The link between what older adults see and how their brain forms that memory is weak.
Aerobic exercise has a large antidepressant effect on patients with major depression.
Breathing through the nose rather than the mouth helps you remember memories better.
Lifestyle changes such as exercise in fathers are important to give their children a healthy start.
We can automatically switch off our cooperative behaviours when dealing with strangers.
Workplace wellness expert Jan McLeod discusses intuitive wellness and how you can apply it at work.
The urgency of global warming requires a response from us. Here’s what we can all do to save the only planet we have.
The use of complementary therapies for cancer can increase the risk of death
Vitamin supplemented chewing gum is an effective delivery system for some vitamins.
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