natural remedies


Nutrition: Dry hair and hair loss

Nutrition is important when it comes to caring for your hair. If you are colouring it, straightening it, perming it or using a hair dryer you also increase your chances of hair loss. From my experience, I have found, despite popular naturopathic belief that most hair loss comes from inside, that what we do on the outside affects hair loss even more. Air conditioning, chemicals in shampoos and hair products, hair dyes, gels, sprays etc. all take their toll. Yes, food and illnesses do affect hair loss but don’t blame it all on your ill health if you are using the above toxic substances.


Do you have cysts?

Many of my clients come to me with small cysts in various parts of their body. They can be anywhere but mostly I get clients with cysts in the breasts, kidneys or in the reproductive organs. Anything growing inside our bodies that we feel should not be there is of concern and of course our first reaction may be to get it out of there. Often the removal can be also detrimental to our health. It is important to be educated and empowered enough to make correct assessments of what we want to do without being swayed by fear.

Homeopathic Remedy Response and Secondary Prescriptions

In difficult, chronic, complicated cases, you require not a remedy, but a ladder (a series of remedies), not one of which of itself can effect a cure, but each of which works cure wards,  their cumulative action eventuating a health restoration. This is how cataract, and many other so called chronic incurable cases have been […]

Homeopathy Posology

The key to homeopathic potency selection boils down to finding the susceptibility of our patient. What factors determine the susceptibility? Susceptibility depends on the following factors: Nature of the Constitution – Age; children or older, Physical Constitution and Psychological temperament. Is the patient sensitive, quick to act and react? or are they sluggish, dull, and […]

Natural Products to Assist Your Daily Living

Quite often we dismiss natural products as a first measure to use when we are ill. We have perhaps been programmed to some extent to expect quick relief for pain and to use other prescribed medications and we don’t think about natural remedies as being able to assist us in our daily living, but they can often help with many problems so we are not as reliant on drugs.

Your Kidneys are more important than you think

Our kidneys are located at the back of the abdominal cavity pretty much just above the back of your waist. They are important in homeostasis which has got to do with the balance and regulation of how the body works. They also play a part in regulating the acid and electrolyte balances, the fluids in the body and the regulation of blood pressure.