While natural beauty is our ideal, a special occasion or summer holiday may call for a sun-kissed look without the sun damage.
natural beauty
Put a spring in your step and add calm to your routine by adopting these simple, soul-soothing rituals.
Discover the health and beauty benefits of getting a good-quality sleep each night.
Beauty and personal product ads sell their wares with swishy hair, glossy legs and blemish-free skin. Yet are the self-care products they promote actually caring for your skin, hair and body?
We look at how to address adult acne from the inside out and share tips for treating those unwanted spots.
Tame your sweet tooth to experience great skin benefits and skin health.
Getting into a good routine leaves you little leeway to enjoy a naughty indulgence every so often without having to feel tired and lethargic for most of the year.
Washing your organic produce in unfiltered tap water somewhat defeats the purpose of eating organically, as does cleansing your face with an organic cleanser while using tap water.
From model to businesswoman to organic advocate and endangered species campaigner, Teisha Lowry’s story is one of a continuing search for something deeper.
Consumers are starting to take notice of a beauty stalwart to dye hair, and even nails, without the health-compromising toxins.
Oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic therapy dating back over 2000 years, is being seen as a modern and effective treatment for diseases from bad breath to bleeding gums to asthma, diabetes and colitis.
The skin is not only the body’s largest elimination organ but also one of the most important organs for healthy immune function.
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