Ground-breaking research now shows that mindfulness reduces stress in both the brain and the body.
Feeling stressed? A busy lifestyle can deplete you, so make sure you prioritize your health and wellbeing.
Mums need moments of calm in their day like a parched desert flower needs rain.
Mindfulness is as effective as pharmaceutical antidepressants in preventing depression.
Our kids are increasingly facing stress. Mindfulness can help them learn to manage it.
Mindfulness meditation can help to bring clarity to your sense of self-worth.
Mindfulness reduces stress and increases your ability to handle challenges, making it essential to your business.
Join our Mindful in May 31 day meditation challenge and heal yourself while giving clean water to save lives.
When you feel your emotions getting the better of you, use these three simple steps to emotional mindfulness.
Maintaining hope is key to being able to cope with whatever challenges life throws your way. Sometimes, though, you will have to work to keep hope alive.
Mindfulness is as effective as cognitive therapy for depression.
Mindfulness is an increasingly popular choice in the fields of parenting, education and therapy, creating opportunities for self-discovery and, ultimately, self-knowledge.
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