Oscar Wilde is credited with saying, “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” Easier said than done, perhaps. In a world where we are expected to look and act in a certain way, we end up pleasing everyone but ourselves. In order to belong we bury our true selves and this can lead to despair. So how would it feel if the only role you play this lifetime is to just be yourself?
FOCUS promotes mental functioning and thought, to help you ‘switch on’, naturally. Crammed with powerful herbs, including: Amla, Gotu Kola, Gingko Biloba, Green Tea and Vitamins B3, B9, B12, C and E.
A good book can be an absolute pleasure but research shows that the right book can also be a healing tool.
To be spiritually toxic is to be disconnected from your spirit. You don’t have to detox your spirit but you do need to clear away the clutter that has caused your disconnection.
In the endless quest to be your best self, is it possible that you are missing some of the best parts of life? Are you missing out on the beauty and strength of imperfection?
If you view the notion of discipline in a positive light, it can become an ally to help you to live your best life.
Conventional wisdom tells us that you can feel a little happier if you simply smile, but is this research verified? We take a look at the latest.
Carl Jung’s wise words “what we resist persists” couldn’t be truer. Transcend your resistance by courageously stepping outside your comfort zone to unlock your full potential.
Create the life you want from within by harnessing the power of your imagination.
If you’re suffering from anxiety, depression or low-self-esteem, then Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) could help. It involves redirecting your compassionate mind towards yourself by comforting your inner child with kindness, love and care.
Our sense of loneliness is increasing in the developed world, with negative repercussions for our mental, physical, social and economic wellbeing. Given we no longer live in villages, nor can we turn back the clock, what can we do to restore our lost communities?
Breathe your way through yin yoga and Zen meditation to awaken to the powerful qualities of self-acceptance, compassion and mindfulness.
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