
How To Cope With Fopo

How to cope with FOPO

Fear of other people’s opinions, or FOPO, has likely affected you somehow. It may manifest as indecisiveness, anxiety about what you wear or how much you eat, or even purposely avoiding people. But in the online world, it manifests into something much darker — an obsession with social approval, even if that means losing what makes you.

letting go feeling free

How to let go of resentment

Resentment can be a bitter feeling, steeping you in darkness, tension and pain. But there is a soothing elixir that can help — forgiveness. For those struggling through resentment, here is a psychology-backed guide to letting go of hard feelings.

A holistic approach to treating chronic pain

Chronic pain: What it is and how to treat it

Pain is a complex physical phenomenon that is intimately bound with emotions and mental states. When pain becomes chronic the consequences are far-reaching and profound. You don’t have to just mask pain though, as there are gentle yet powerful natural approaches that have proven positive effects in relieving chronic pain.