A study finds that mindfulness helps mothers of infants diagnosed with congenital heart disease cope better with the stress.
mental health
“Imposter Syndrome” is a term that describes the negative inner voice that often affects anyone taking a leap forward in their life — unless you recognise it for what it is and work with it instead of against it.
Can’t get those recurring thoughts of worry or hurt out of your head? Then adopt these strategies to release your relentless thoughts.
Practising self-care is just as important for your mental and emotional health as it is for your physical health — and not only will it benefit you but those around you, too.
Both men and women suffer from domestic abuse in different forms and it’s important that the victim knows there are options and a way out of the abusive situation.
Mindfulness program can prepare athletes mentally and improve their performance.
Researchers believe that ego dissolution during psychedelic experiences can help treat mental health patients.
Day-to-day experiences and attitude toward aging can affect an individual’s awareness of age-related change and mood.
New research examines the link between religious participation and suicide prevention outside Western Industrialized settings.
Trust can present an issue when you’ve felt hurt by others around you. If your trust has been broken, here’s how to start rebuilding it.
In this in-depth article, we look at eating disorders in older women and the support that is available.
Do you get overwhelmed by your negative thoughts? Awareness is the first step to creating change and taking control of the patterns that hold you back.
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