Happy workplaces are more productive, more profitable and better for the health of employees. Here’s how you can make work a joy.
mental health
Genes can no longer be blamed for the modern disease epidemic — and the answer to long-term vibrant health may be closer than you think.
Gratitude is a gift of wellbeing to yourself and to the people around you. Learn how to cultivate an attitude of true gratitude.
It is very important to whom you entrust your mental health and emotional health. When you are looking for a therapist there are several things you need to be aware. If a family member is reading this for someone who is suffering with mental health issues please take note that just because someone has a qualification on a wall or a number of years experience it does not necessarily make them a good therapist.
When a friendship feels like it is dragging you down instead of lifting you up, it’s time to decide whether you want to fix it or end it.
Through meditation the mind becomes relaxed and calm yet alert and focused. Discover how meditation can benefit your life.
Traditional yoga classes can be modified to support clients who are dealing with trauma. This is one reader’s experience.
Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility; for it thinks all things lawful for itself and all things possible. (Thomas A Kempis) Throughout A Course in Miracles (www.acim.org), that extraordinary manual on self-transformation scribed by the clinical research psychologist […]
It is easy to become overloaded with technology and neglect the rest of your life. Here’s how to get that technology under control.
Grief can be complicated, long-lasting, confusing or a form of preparation for the future. Luckily, you can get through it.
As soon as the treatment begins to work, the illness tries to lodge itself even deeper into your body, emotions or psyche. The result is that you start to feel bad. You may even start to feel very ill. Even more ill than before you sought help and this could continue for some time. Psychologically, because you feel so bad you begin to think that what you are taking is making you ill when this is not the case. This is called a healing crisis because the crisis is that you feel bad and are not aware that in fact you are – healing.
Can a pill reduce the “existential†pain of being alive, and do you want it to?
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