One in three people suffer from panic attacks. If you’re among them, there are holistic ways you can manage your attacks.
Jenetta Haim
Christmas is a time for nurturing ourselves and others. For using the energy of the New Year to look ahead, plan, contemplate, meditate and create.
We all get caught up in the rush of the busy world from time to time but be careful that you don’t rush your lifetime away.
Your work colleagues can turn a bright, happy day into a horrible one in moments. Fortunately, there are ways you can manage toxic workmates.
Journalling helps to clear some energy so you can start manifesting your deepest desires and connect with your inner being.
Finding it tricky to lose weight? Your hormones may not be working properly.
Fatty liver disease is found in people who consume too much fat, sugar and not enough choline. There are foods and natural supplements that can assist you to control this disease.
Our psychological health depends on our state of mind. Healing can take place from the inside out.
Do you suffer from a lot of illness, anger, stress, worry? It may be due to a lack of thought control.
Too much or too little protein can make you ill, so what is the balance we need?
Bad digestion is responsible for many issues such as reflux, constipation, diarrhoea, skin problems and more.
Strategic advice for gamblers and their partners.
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