Many people today suffer from depression and come to the stage where they can’t even get out of bed. It is in a sense wonderful to have something they can take that will give them some semblance of returning to their normal lifestyle but there is a price that they have to pay and not a pleasant one.
Jenetta Haim
Acid reflux is quite common these days and it often begins due to our bad habits which are not good for our health. Heartburn is only one symptom of acid reflux but both are possible to control.
Most of us by now know that it is important to eat fish and to take our fish oils to keep our memory sound and our joints lubricated.
A nice smile, healthy gums and teeth are very important to your health and self image.
Our readers already have an interest in natural therapies and this article is to perhaps prompt you to become more proactive in combining natural health and mainstream medicine.
Are you in tune with your purpose in life? Do you know how to take the best of your talents and put them out there to reap not only rewards for yourself but for those around you on a personal and business level?
We now clearly recognize that the mind, body and our energetic and spiritual needs are linked. Many organs in the body are affected by toxic substances and often we neglect to look at the spiritual and energetic effects of a toxic system.
Couples often get disheartened when after the huge decision to have a baby they find that pregnancy is just not happening. They may have found the house, have stable jobs, are part of the way paying off the mortgage and if any time was right to fall pregnant it would be now… but despite the best of efforts it just does not occur.
Diverticulitis is a common disease which happens often to the elderly when the large intestine wall becomes weak, forming sac-like pouches into the intestines.
Quite often we dismiss natural products as a first measure to use when we are ill. We have perhaps been programmed to some extent to expect quick relief for pain and to use other prescribed medications and we don’t think about natural remedies as being able to assist us in our daily living, but they can often help with many problems so we are not as reliant on drugs.
A food craving is a biochemical urge usually influenced by flavour, taste, aroma, texture or temperature as well as the memories of pleasure associated with the food.
There are many kinds of addiction but some of the most common in our society are to cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and both legal and illegal drugs.
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