Jenetta Haim


Depression and the elderly please speak up!

I recently read an article on depression being rife in our aged care facilities. The article went on to say how medical researchers found that aged care workers working in the facility were unaware as to the extent that it was happening and that even elderly people are coving it up as they are somewhat embarrassed, feel that it is a part of getting older (which psychologically it is not) and did not want to cause a fuss.


Do you have swollen ankles

Did you know that Potassium is important for healthy muscles and nerves in your whole body? A lack of potassium will affect how you balance fluids in your body, how your blood vessels function, your skin, nervous system, sports performance and cardiac health.


Are you sensitive to gluten and wheat?

Many people have a sensitivity reaction to gluten which goes by unnoticed. Intolerance to gluten can cause anything from rashes and headaches to serious diseases associated with the immune system like arthritis, celiac and Crohns disease and create symptoms similar to IBS.


Handling Infertility

Did you know that stress can prevent you from falling pregnant and that a large number of small stresses are far worse than that one big problem? Did you also know you can test for stress by testing the levels of Cortisol in the body?


Are you getting a good night’s sleep?

A lot of my clients tell me they either wake up several times during the night or have problems falling asleep. A good night’s sleep is essential if you are to function properly the next day however there may be many reasons why this does not happen. Some reasons may be a bit beyond our control like a sick child or the baby crying but these should only be temporary.

How to do the Inner-Smile Meditation

The most famous practitioner of inner-smile meditation is Grand Master Mantak Chia, who operates from the Tao Gardens Resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Chia teaches the Universal Healing Tao, a self-help system for curing illness and stress and for enhancing all aspects of life.

Aromatherapy for winter health

We are well into winter and many of us wishing for Spring. The season has taken its toll on our health sometimes via colds and flu, aches and pains and dry skin. Here are some tips to help you overcome these and carry you through to the new season.