Jenetta Haim


Emphysema can kill you so stop smoking now!

Emphysema is not curable and can limit your lifestyle although modern medicine can make the disease tolerable and if you are diagnosed early you may even be able to minimize the symptoms. However, the world is in an epidemic of emphysema and chronic bronchitis which make up what is called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Creating balanced diet plans for the New Year

Either people are overdoing the protein and exercise with imbalanced diet plans which risk messing up their hormone levels, thyroid and liver or, in an effort to lose weight; they do the opposite and don’t eat enough protein or even enough food, which slows down their metabolism. This means they lose even less weight and the body store fat and fluid thinking it is about to starve.


Stigmatised illnesses: speak up and get help

Sick people need our help and empathy, not to be stigmatised for their illness, but unfortunately for centuries people with contagious or serious illness have had to pay the penalty of society’s judgement. Slowly over the years it has begun to change but still it is not common to talk about our panic attacks (one in four people suffer these at some stage of their lives) or our depression (how would it affect your promotion at work) or the grief you are feeling simply because your wonderful dog died. We have become to some extent a society that ‘soldiers on’ and in doing that we bury our feelings and illnesses and surround ourselves with shame instead of understanding and healing.


Do you have cysts?

Many of my clients come to me with small cysts in various parts of their body. They can be anywhere but mostly I get clients with cysts in the breasts, kidneys or in the reproductive organs. Anything growing inside our bodies that we feel should not be there is of concern and of course our first reaction may be to get it out of there. Often the removal can be also detrimental to our health. It is important to be educated and empowered enough to make correct assessments of what we want to do without being swayed by fear.


Hypnosis to change your negative habits

Hypnosis has been used with great success for years for pain relief, to lose weight, quit smoking…for all sorts of things. Theoretically it is an exercise in getting your mind to work with you instead of your subconscious sabotaging your efforts to help you change. A trained hypnotherapist can help you change those bad habits quickly and to gain a much healthier lifestyle without you having to really put in too much effort.


The importance of sleep

A number of sleep studies done all over the world show just how essential sleep is and corroborate the fact that many of us get way too little of it. Latest studies also show that sleeping extra one day does not necessarily make up for the sleep you missed the day before and that even after a short time your health begins to suffer.


What’s happening in your gut?

There is a bit of confusion amongst the general public as to what is needed to keep our digestion healthy. We hear a lot about probiotics and prebiotics and digestive supplements but many of my clients are not to sure what they should be taking and why.