Jenetta Haim

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Dehydration – Why water is so important?

Water and remaining hydrated is imperative for our health. Not only on hot days but for our kidney health, to lower our blood pressure, to remove toxins and to prevent fainting in the hot, summer weather. Lack of water can make you feel dizzy and fatigued. You may also find that you have a headache. It can cause problems with your digestive system and long-term effects can cause a range of health issues. There is a long list of how it can damage your health.

Forgiveness Is A Great Start To The New Year

Forgiveness is a great start to the New Year

Forgiveness is not just about forgiving others. It is also about forgiving yourself. For some people just learning how to forgive is a journey that can take their whole life and for others it is learnt quickly. Forgiving yourself is sometimes a bit harder than forgiving others but here are some tips to get you there

Plant Based Diet On A Plate

Plant based diets and your health – good or bad?

Some people do well on a vegan diet while others don’t do so well. Your gut health and genetics play a big part in the reasons why. There has been much debate about whether veganism is a healthy diet for humans or if it can lead to deficiency. It works for some and not for others. Here’s part of the reason why.