
Gita Insights CD - Aries

Gita Insights CD – Taurus

Taurus love of beauty is well known.  If we had some insights into the stream of energy we call Taurus, we could make better use of the opportunities to uplift the soul with beauty, fineness and quality.


Taurus in 2011

Neptune’s influence helps dissolve social boundaries while Jupiter in your sign helps you prioritise travel and study dreams in 2011.


Sagittarius in 2011

Jupiter gives you permission to take creative licence with life until June; after then, it’s time to focus on improving health, wellness and daily routines. Saturn suggests prioritising time with friends in 2011.


Pisces in 2011

Jupiter and Uranus combine to offer innovative strategies where money, values and self worth are concerned. Soulful Neptune enters your sign for the first time ever, helping you discover new self-awareness in 2011.


Libra in 2011

The combined influence of Jupiter and Uranus creates opportunities within relationships for Librans in 2011. Saturn continues through your sign, helping you master new talents.


Leo in 2011

In 2011 Jupiter opens doors for creative and professional growth and expansion. A new era also begins in relationships for the mighty Leo as Neptune changes signs.