Many people have a sensitivity reaction to gluten which goes by unnoticed. Intolerance to gluten can cause anything from rashes and headaches to serious diseases associated with the immune system like arthritis, celiac and Crohns disease and create symptoms similar to IBS.
holistic health
Did you know that stress can prevent you from falling pregnant and that a large number of small stresses are far worse than that one big problem? Did you also know you can test for stress by testing the levels of Cortisol in the body?
Looking at different approaches to the healing process can clarify how a practitioner fits into the health care industry and how he or she relates to other health professionals. Complementary medicine is that part of the health sector that relies primarily upon holistic, homeopathic, traditional or natural therapies rather than an allopathic approach to medicine […]
Traditionally, all homeopathic discussions of Opium begin with warnings against its allopathic use because it masks the true homeopathic symptoms of the case. Hahnemann points out that Opium in its provings was the only remedy which did not produce a single painful reaction. In the 1960’s, a popular phrase was invented which describes very well […]
Injuries are an ever-present possibility for someone undertaking a serious fitness program. Managing and preventing injuries are just as important as the exercise itself and, if you do it naturally, it can even be pleasant.
This is often misinterpreted to mean everything about the person including ‘Personality’ type, aversions and cravings, weather, time, modalities of the ‘person’ even when well. What we are really looking for are the deviations of these, the striking opposite or the exacerbation of these sub-symptoms when sick. Statements like “Homeopathy treats the person not the […]
Did you know that insulin resistance is responsible for many illnesses including weight gain? It is also linked to free radical damage which can be the foundation of many major illnesses such as diabetes.
We have all heard of the phrase: “getting long in the tooth”. We use it when talking about horses and humans. They say you can tell a horse’s age by looking at their teeth. While we could probably say the same about humans, I hope that as people become more educated about their oral health […]
Most of my clients are educated 25-45 year olds, employed in some of our top companies and doing pretty well in life. They have visited most of the world’s countries, often tracking through some less travelled terrains, explored all the wonders of the world, yet, it seems the world’s only remaining mysteries are all in one place: their own mouths!
Wisdom teeth are probably the most misunderstood teeth in dentistry.People either assume that pain-free is problem-free, therefore their wisdom teeth should be left alone, or that all wisdom teeth should come out. Both opinions are wrong, most of the time.
Proving, or experimentation with remedies on healthy individuals, is a third principle and a must for any medicinal science. Hahnemann gave detailed instructions for provings in his Aphorisms 105-114. He was the first to introduce the concept of scientific experiments on medicinal substances as a basis for prescribing with them. From ancient times until well […]
Homeopathic First Aid Remedies are for Acute Cases. Intense acute conditions need to be monitored frequently, with a review every 15 minutes to half hour. There should be a big turn around within 5 doses; if there is no change at all, it’s the wrong remedy. For mild acute conditions we don’t need to monitor […]
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