holistic health

Plant Based Diet On A Plate

Plant based diets and your health – good or bad?

Some people do well on a vegan diet while others don’t do so well. Your gut health and genetics play a big part in the reasons why. There has been much debate about whether veganism is a healthy diet for humans or if it can lead to deficiency. It works for some and not for others. Here’s part of the reason why.

Healing And Coping With Depression

Healing and coping with depression

It’s been an unpredictable year, with many ups and downs and depression rates are three times higher than before the pandemic. Here, we take a look at one woman’s journey to a healthier mind. With the challenges we have had, mental health has become an ever-increasing issue for many people, young and old alike. According […]

Nature Care College: learning about what it means to be ‘well’

Now more than ever, people are seeking more fulfilling, purposeful lives and are looking to the world of health and wellbeing to find it. Science and research are telling us that how we think, feel, see and engage with the world affects our cellular biology (overall health). This is something that the ancient healers and civilisations of the world have known for thousands of years.