If you have high cholesterol levels, elevated blood pressure or systemic inflammation, eating a healthy heart diet is essential for your wellbeing.
High blood pressure is a serious health issue, but there are many natural and highly effective lifestyle choices to take your blood pressure down.
A gripping exploration of the complex relationship between the heart, the brain and the human spirit.
We take a look at elderberries for the flu and how processed food may harm the heart plus much more.
The cycles of Venus and Mars with Sun and Moon on our timelines offer you repeat opportunities to perceive life’s intelligent pattern.
Do you feel as though you’re lacking vitality and need to revive the spark within? This simple journaling exercise can help the process.
It’s easy to spend a lot of time worrying about your health. The paradox is, that worry actually makes you unhealthy.
Do you drive a car or take public transport to work? Switching to an active commute could add years to your life.
There was a time when we spoke of genetics as something fixed and immutable; “Oh, I can’t help my tendency to wear inappropriately tight clothing, my mum did it too, it’s in my genes.” There was a sense that genes were destiny and that nothing could alter them but now we know that your DNA […]
Karin Cutter shares how royal jelly can help with a case of adrenal fatigue.
High protein foods, especially from plants, are good for your heart health.
Having a sense of purpose promotes health and protects your heart.
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