healthy habits


Wellbeing for the New Year

Wellbeing is something we all seek. Why not use the energy of the New Year to create a year for yourself that is fulfilled on many levels? Now is the time to use that energy for your wellbeing and to manifest some of your goals and dreams. If you have not had much experience in doing this before then it’s perhaps time you started to learn the technique and I have a few pointers to get you going to make 2014 the year of your wellbeing!

a healthy body

What is a healthy body?

What does it mean to have a healthy body? An author once said that, “Health is merely the slowest way someone can die.” Is this how you look at your health and wellbeing? If it is, then what about those  individuals who have lost the enthusiasm needed to make a full contribution to their life […]


Cravings for carbs and sweets?

Keep a watch for the feelings that spark the cravings for carbs and sweets. Be aware also that some medications can stimulate your appetite. Anti-depressants, other prescription drugs, non prescription medical drugs and recreational drugs can often stimulate you to eat things you would not normally eat. If this is what is happening you need to be aware of it and discuss it with your doctor whilst perhaps looking for natural alternatives which may not have the same effect. Of course recreational drugs should be eliminated if you are going to be conscious about your health.


Remember your dreams

Before we explore what dreams mean, let’s look at some things you can do to help remember your dreams. Some people  claim they never dream, but the truth is that everyone dreams [1], though many people don’t remember them at all, while others remember only fragments that fade quickly. If you would like to improve […]


Snoring problems can be serious

Partners of people that are persistently snoring miss sleep often while the other person merrily snores on unaware of what they are doing. In desperation partners try all kinds of devices from ear plugs to block out the snoring to even sleeping in another room. If you are snoring though you should attend to it as there can be serious health repercussions if it goes on too long.


Avoiding refined sugars

I thought avoiding refined and added sugars would be tough, but one-third of the way through September and I’m feeling sparkly. The sugar withdrawal symptoms have faded, I have energy, my skin’s improved … I’m feeling so good that I think this could be a long-term change; a vote for loving my body and taking […]


A sugar high vs nature’s plateau

It’s day three of going sugar free in September. If you’ve decided to take up the challenge to see how your body responds, how are you faring? Are you enjoying a break from the sugar high or is your body still figuring out what’s just happened? After a shaky start on Sunday (my niece turned […]


Life is sweet

There’s been a whole lot of talk in recent years about how sugar’s not great for you. It’s such a big field of discussion that we’ve included a special report about sugar and its impact on health in our recent issue, #146. I won’t go into detail on the bitter truth about the sweet stuff. […]


Adrenal fatigue and why it’s important

Do you lack focus? Is your head foggy, Are you tired all the time yet don’t sleep well at night? Stressed? Feeling sickly, depressed or just irritated? Do you get dizzy for no apparent reason? Is there an unexplained weakness in some muscles? You could have a problem with your adrenals.