Vocal fry is a common voice pattern but it sends a bad message.
Fear of the number 13 has a long history and what makes this superstition interesting is the connection of 13 to feminine forces.
We can help keep our hormones active and balanced as we age through lifestyle and dietary factors.
We speak to four women who are using their skills to ensure Bali is a haven for everyone.
Is beauty past 30 a myth? Each age brings unprecedented experience and joy, so why cling to only one?
Leaving aside the need for achieving so-called equality between the sexes, what are the benefits to yourself and your community when you reconnect to your own true feminine or masculine essence?
Venus is the goddess of beauty, love, fertility, and pleasure. Read about Venus in mythology and astrology and find out what gifts and charms Venus has for you.
The Minangkabu is the largest continuous matriarchy in the world. Under the auspices of the matrilineal system, the mother/child bond forms the basis of society.
A journey into Lijiang , a time-locked town and culture now enjoyed by a growing number of tourists fascinated by the Naxi way of life.
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