Intermittent fasting is making waves in the wellness world, but beyond the hype what are the real advantages of time-restricted eating? We take a look at the dietary method to see if it’s really all it’s cracked up to be.
The beauty of fasting is the ability to fast is conserved in our DNA. Before we became civilised by inventing foods that are impregnated with fat and sugar, we had to endure long periods of starvation, which elicited the genetic survival mechanisms that made us more resilient and resistant to the development of diseases.
Fasting can be a powerful way to promote detoxification within your body and soul. However, you must do it correctly or you risk harming yourself.
Lee Holmes plates up wholefood treats to eat while practising intermittent fasting.
Long-term fasting gives your immune system a lift.
The growing inspiration inside Conscious Eating by Gabrielle Cousens.
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