ethical consumption


3 plastic habits to break

It’s almost the end of July, and with the end of the month comes the end of another challenge: Plastic-Free July, which asks people to avoid all single-use plastics for 31 days. Why? Every piece of plastic you use, if it hasn’t been recycled or produced via a new environmentally conscious technology, chips away at […]

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Earth

Imagine if you could help reduce the pollution in the world and at the same time assist in maintaining healthy ecosystems worldwide.  Are you interested? First of all lets look at the issues that you directly have control over. The chemicals that we ingest for pain relief, cholesterol control, maintaining blood pressure diabetes and chemotherapy […]


Why you shouldn’t shop until you drop!

Shopping has evolved from being a necessary chore to one of the primary leisure activities in Western countries like Australia and New Zealand. There is a common perception that consumerism is innate and that the love of shopping is hard-wired into people: unfortunately, history suggests otherwise.