Nearly one-third of the world’s farms have adopted more environmentally friendly farming practices while continuing to be productive.
Global biodiversity set to collapse unless concerted action is taken to reverse damage to the tropical ecosystem.
Australian researchers develop a tool to calculate the nitrogen footprint of an organisation.
Climate-related disasters resulting in a significant number of people being injured strengthens religiosity but economic damage has the opposite effect.
What are nanoparticles? Nanoparticles find their way — often unlabelled — into your food and now scientists and environmentalists are pointing out the risks.
Plastic nanoparticles accumulate in marine organisms and can contaminate food chains and affect human health.
Alexx Stuart offers a simple to-do list to turn your bedroom into a temple of serenity.
Microplastic flotsam in oceans is killing animals and harming waters. Now is the time to reduce waste, improve waterways and save precious marine life. We take a deeper look.
Species that live on green roofs arrive there by travelling on birds or riding air currents.
Humour can be as effective a motivator as fear in inspiring people to pursue climate change activism.
If you eat packaged food, it’s highly likely that some chemicals from the packaging will leach into the food. The question is, how do those chemicals impact on your health?
Sally Mathrick poses questions to consider in your quest for a toxin-free life.
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