energetic healing

Grassy sand dunes

How I found my heart by the ocean

What is the ocean? It’s home. –Pohaku Stone, Surfer, Hawaii Taking a long walk along the esplanade and then on top of the very windy jetty (boardwalk), I looked down to see this heart in the sand. The windy day unveiled what Mother Nature drew with seagrass, grain by grain sweeping away to reveal the […]

Homeopathic Opium

Traditionally, all homeopathic discussions of Opium begin with warnings against its allopathic use because it masks the true homeopathic symptoms of the case. Hahnemann points out that Opium in its provings was the only remedy which did not produce a single painful reaction. In the 1960’s, a popular phrase was invented which describes very well […]


After a much longer than expected hiatus from my blogging to focus on my health, I am plugged back in; fully charged; looking forward to sharing more of my learning’s and experiences from this incredible ‘breast cancer’ journey.