emotional health


Some months ago I had a telephone counselling call from a woman in the country. Her husband is a shift worker and when she arrived home unexpectedly one day he was dressed up in women’s clothes, he was wearing a wig and had make-up on. She was devastated because they have been married for three years and she was totally unaware of his habit.

Criticism why it’s so harmful

When people think of criticism, most think of either deliberate criticism (a blunt, hurtful, rude or judgmental comment made intentionally) or constructive criticism (a comment designed to ‘help’ you in some way with performance, behaviour, etc).

Everyone has issues

Something that I hear over and over from people is them wondering whether other people have the same sorts of issues that they have, is what I’m telling you “normal” or have you never heard it before? Am I a total weirdo and the only one feeling this???

Snooping on your partner

I hear a lot these days about people snooping on their partners. Our information is more accessible than ever to our partner with a lot of people having smart phones, email and texts which save all our information. So finding an email, phone number or text is quite easy to do.