EatWell 48

Wellbeing & Eatwell Cover Image 1001x667 2023 06 08t112208.942

In Conversation With Paul West

Passionate about growing farm-fresh food, Paul West is encouraging local residents to use gardening as food for the soul. We chat to Paul about his culinary journey, most memorable backyard moments and resourceful methods to start a greenhouse.

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Freekeh Salad

This is hands down one of my favourite salads. I often make one up on the weekend and portion it for lunches for the week. Add your protein of choice and enjoy the delicious nutty flavour of freekeh along with the pops of sweet and sour from the currants and lemon. You can easily serve this salad warm or cold, so it’s super versatile.

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Savoury Oats

I love porridge. I’m that weirdo who always chooses porridge when offered. It was a revelation to my porridge-loving soul to discover that savoury oats are just as good as sweet. Simply cook your oats in your stock of choice, then top with your favourite additions. This is my favourite power breakfast.

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Vegan Banana Caramel Flan

This delicious flan not only tastes amazing but is also good for you. Bananas are one of the best sources of vitamin B6, required by the body for healthy nervous system function. This important vitamin is needed to make neurotransmitters serotonin and GABA, and for energy production in muscles. Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps maintain a healthy functioning heart and nervous system as well as keep blood pressure levels normal.

Cauliflower Gnocchi

Cauliflower Gnocchi with Napoli Sauce

I know basil is the go-to for pasta, but I love crisp, fresh parsley with cauliflower so I have chosen parsley for this dish. You can now buy fantastic gnocchi in many different flavours and cauliflower is becoming very popular. You can use any flavour of gnocchi with this sauce.