Discover the benefits of cucumbers – from cardiovascular health to skincare. Uncover their active ingredients, healing effects, & cautions.
Dr Karen Brigman
Dr Karen Bridgman tells u show the edible young seedlings of a range of vegetables are rich in nutrition and healing properties.
Quercetin, a natural antioxidant found in fruits and vegetables, offers numerous health benefits Quercetin is a plant flavonol from the flavonoid group of polyphenols and is widely distributed in nature. It has a bitter flavour and is found in many vegetables, fruit, seeds, leaves and grains. Its name derives from quercetum (oak forest) after the […]
Rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, tamarind supports heart health by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Tamarind is a tropical evergreen leguminous tree, a member of the Fabacaea family, native to Africa and India, and today is widely distributed in the tropics. It is long living, grows in a variety of soil conditions and is […]
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