dental health

5 Dentistry Myths- Busted!

Most of my clients are educated 25-45 year olds, employed in some of our top companies and doing pretty well in life. They have visited most of the world’s countries, often tracking through some less travelled terrains, explored all the wonders of the world, yet, it seems the world’s only remaining mysteries are all in one place: their own mouths!

Antibiotics and dentistry

I am boggled by the statistics of prescribed antibiotics use in Australia. I feel that a lot of it is not the public’s fault, but also the fault of their health professionals, who may find the use of antibiotics as the quickest way to ‘treat’ their patients. I know that this can also be tempting in a dental emergency, where dentists or medical GPs may not be able to accurately diagnose or haven’t got enough time to treat the affected tooth or gums. This article summarises the dangers of antibiotic overuse and misuse and gives some tips on how we can all help protect our community from the ‘superbug’ attacks.

Concerned about recent media reports regarding dental Xray exposure? Read this!

If you don’t know what to make of the recent media reports linking dental xray exposure to meningioma tumours in the US population, read this communication document from the Australian Dental Association, recently circulated to all of us, dentists. It is business as usual for the Australian dental profession, as long as high ethical and quality standards are observed. Keep calm and carry on:)

Online Dental Check Up

We all know we can do most things online. These days I opt for online shopping, online socializing, online information gathering, online bill payment….Well, now you can even have a dental check up online! You must be thinking I have lost my mind… As I discussed in my articles so far, dental diseases are largely […]

Making your family’s dental care more affordable! Part 1: Why is dentistry ‘expensive’?

Even if high quality dental care seems completely out of reach, there is hope. There are things you can implement in your daily life which can help you afford best quality dental care, whilst ensuring that you minimise any need for extensive treatment. You don’t need to ‘shop around’ for the cheapest dentist or wait until a painful problem appears, to seek advice or treatment. In this series of articles, we will give you some advice on how to take responsibility for your family’s dental care while keeping your bills and your dental problems at a minimum, which almost anyone can afford.

Why me? What makes you prone to tooth decay

Ever wandered why you may constantly be developing new cavities, while your friends have never even had a single filling? There may be many reasons behind this, but do not despair, there are also many solutions. This article may help shed some light on your struggle with tooth decay!