
Chocolate Oat Protein Pancake Recipe

There are loads of variations in flavours as well as ingredients that may be used in the batter. You can experiment using combinations of different grains/flours: rice, quinoa, oat flour, soy flour, millet etc to achieve a different flavour and texture for your pancake. Ingredients such as greek yoghurt, milk, soy milk, almond milk etc can also be used.



Protein allows the muscles to rebuild and repair. Whether your goal is fat loss, muscle gain, to become fitter, stronger, leaner, or a combination; it is essential that you refuel your body after exercise.

It is suggested that the ideal “window” of time in which to consume our post-workout meal (in order to aid recovery) is up to 90 minutes after training. The sooner, the better! This recipe is for the perfect post-workout meal, that takes only 5 minutes to prepare!

Breakfasts To Boost Brainpower – 1 Week Menu

My plan for this week’s breakfast incorporates foods shown to keep brain cells healthy and stave cognitive decline, including berries, nuts, olive oil, wholegrain, fish, and more—all power nutrients great for your whole body too. Your memory, attention span, and ability to learn will benefit from the healthful foods you’ll be choosing!!