

A guilty treasure

Chocolate is a global powerhouse commodity and a deep personal pleasure. Could it be that something that tastes so delicious, and is so sensual, might also be good for you? We bite into chocolate to find out the truth.


Your ageing eyes

Your eyes work hard for you every waking minute. It is no surprise that how your eyes age will be determined by how you protect them. Eating the right foods can go along way towards ensuring that your eyes stay healthy for a lifetime.

The Fear of Death

Yoga to Conquer The Fear of Death

In a world of constant change, there’s one immutable truth we all share: our inevitable encounter with death. Despite its universal presence, fear of mortality abounds, subtly shaping our lives and decisions. Through the lens of yoga and mindfulness, we discover pathways to confront this fear, unlocking a profound sense of peace and purpose in our existence.

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Running Drills

Running is a popular form of exercise but also a great way to improve overall wellbeing. Whether you are an experienced runner or just starting out, incorporating running drills into your training routine can greatly enhance your running performance and promote a healthier lifestyle.


Opening The Chest And Shoulders

In a screen-focused world, hunched shoulders are causing physical ailments and limiting mental capacity. This yoga sequence recalibrates the chest and shoulders for better physical posture and clear pathways for energy to flow freely.