
Meet The-Dark-Mistress-Of-Denial

For: Busy people who live in denial of the fact that the vehicle via which we browse the internet is, in fact, a human body…. Who: The-Dark-Mistress-Of-Denial.    Who is She?    You may already know her … 40+ years old, 20 years of deskwork behind her, in need of stress relief, and 20 years work of […]

Meditate on it

The benefits of meditation are well known. People have been known to meditate through stressful situations in life, during childbirth, after operations for pain relief and in a range of other circumstances. There are many different styles of meditation to try including mindfulness meditation, transcendental meditation, mantra meditation, breathe meditation and guided meditation. I’ve tried […]

Building blocks of success

I was once critical of using props in yoga. Admittedly, there was a bit of pride involved in it. Props were well and good for people that did not have the flexibility or perhaps had restrictions that did not allow them to hold the posture, but not I. I could already achieve the full benefits […]

Unleashing the silent mind

Yesterday’s yoga class was a bit different. After our standard 3 “Oms” to begin the class our instructor gave us some theory on the mind. I have always enjoyed the theory side of yoga. Although I have attempted numerous times to brush up on yoga theory (my latest effort being the Hindi sacred scriptures, Bhagavad […]

Honesty yoga

According to this story in the New York Times, the latest and greatest in yoga is pay-what-you-can. I haven’t heard of any donation-based yoga classes here in Australia (feel free to correct me in the comments), but having read this piece I’m not entirely convinced I’d want to try it. I like the idea of […]

Why Positive Thinking is Bad For You

“Now lets propose something radical and revolutionary. Lets propose that, no matter what happens to you, you do not stick a bad thing label on it. No matter what. You are fired from your job…your mortgage lender sends you a foreclosure notice . . . your spouse files for divorce . . . or whatever. […]

Alone and loving it!

I love this post on solitude. As an only child I’ve always found it easy to spend time by myself and as an adult I sometimes have to remind myself to maintain balance and also spend time with friends, interacting and enjoying the exchange of thoughts, stories and ideas instead of quietly thinking by myself. […]

simple meditation for newbies

I don’t think I’m alone in saying this, but I really struggle with meditation. What makes it worse is that every time I try to learn the skill, I get distracted, discouraged and give up. I’ve made feeble attempts a couple of times this year; I’ve read the first few pages of the book Hurry […]

Linky goodness

Need a diversion? Check out the sites that have been lifting our spirits this week. The World Needs all Kinds of MindsTemple Grandin suffers from autism and in her talk at the 2010 TED (Technology, Entertinment, Design) conference raises the point that this diagnosis should not be regarded as a negative, but as something to […]

Dealing with the emotions of Black Saturday

In place of our regular Regional Profile this issue, we have an incredibly moving account of one man’s journey as he Deals with the emotional aftermath of the Victorian bushfires that occurred this time last year. I had to read Stephen Andrew’s account in bits and pieces because his writing was so articulate and emotionally […]