
Cleansing with Jala Neti

According to Hatha Yoga there are six Shatkarmas, also known as cleansing techniques. The Shatkarmas activate, cleanse and purify the body’s system allowing prana to flow freely and ultimately help one achieve a deeper yogic state. The six shatkarmas involve a range of techniques that focus on different aspects of the body such as the […]

Is Internet Addiction the enemy of weight-loss?

Last month an International Conference of Psychologists is considering the declaration of Internet Addiction as a mental illness. In my view this is a long shot – I mean second-life maybe. The internet though IS the cause of many sedentary hours – there is nothing like the www to give you the sense of doing […]

The sattvic way of eating

One might assume that if you’re in an ashram,  you’d be be getting the same bland, vegetarian dishes day in, day out. The ashram I stayed at however, offered a variety of different meals full of aromatic spices and fresh vegetables which I’ve since tried to replicate at home. As I’ve mentioned before, the ashram […]

Screen Junkies Set Yourself a Big

I love the AA expression “trying is dying”… re-applied to weight-loss, it means, you’ve realized what you need to do but you’re lost without a start somewhere in between knowing and doing. This is why the Dark Mistress launched in and rode her bike 50Km last weekend… This is about natural weight-loss after all – […]

Life’s little learning experiences

I’ve just returned from India where I stayed in ashram for a month living the yogic lifestyle. That means 5 a.m. starts, 4 hours of daily yoga practice, maintaining a strictly sattvic diet, undergoing cleansing techniques, chanting, meditation, karma yoga and so much more. It sounds so cliched, but in this short time I feel […]